Science Fair Quilt: Behind the Scenes

If you’re wondering what it took to make Science Fair check out some fun little peeks of the progress that spanned over 2 years!

In the beginning there was a jelly roll…..2015 A.D.

Quilt Blocks by Ellen Luckett Baker for Moda

Cheery vs. Dreary

I am so glad I finally have a new ironing board cover. The green one pictured was about at the end of its useful life.
Nice n' neat. The Hexies take form.

What you’re not seeing is the year flying by and 2016 starting.

Final layout for Science Fair

The halves get sewn together!

Sewing the two halves together.  Hexie quilt top fully assembled!

It was alot of pinning. So much pinning and then I decided I wasn’t going to do my original quilting pattern and unpinned nearly all of it in favor of some basic straight lines.

So it begins.

Way too ambitious for a table top machine. This would’ve look amazing if I’d been able to have someone quilt it on a long arm.
sketching out a possible quilting motif. Got alot of gray space to fill.


It took about a month of quilting it off and on and moving the sewing machine to the cutting table for better workflow.


I want to state that I am proud of my binding skills. Though I dislike hand binding it looks so much neater and practice makes perfect.


Even if you feel awkward taking pictures of yourself with your works of art do it anyway. You’ll need a good laugh one day.

Science Fair Quilt 2017


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