Summer’s End


Whew! Summer is such a whirlwind of work, sweat, harvesting and events. I am very much looking forward to the slow down that is fall and the cooler weather it will bring in.





I got to geek out a little when the Stanley Cup came through the Dublin Irish Festival this year. Go NJ Devils! Even though I don’t keep up with the NHL or even local hockey these days it was still extremely cool and a nice check off the bucket list. The wee beastie did not find it nearly as exciting…..



The Fi Beastie celebrated her 5th birthday and the traditional FANTASTIC birthday weather held for another outdoor party.


This year was especially wonderful because nearly my entire family was present. Including my youngest sister and her 3 kids who came in from Virginia and my aunt and uncle and 2 cousins who were also visiting from Colorado.
My 9 nieces and nephews and my 2 cousins (the oldest) in the very back.


It was like the stars aligned…which they mostly did because a week later we had the full solar eclipse!

I even finally finished and gifted a very special quilt to my dear Grandma Brewer which I’ll post about soon, but yes it was very well received and loved.

Such a jam packed summer.

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